February 03, 2011

Look at me, I'm a real blogger!

It's one thing to blabber on your own blog, but now I've been published on another blog.  My very first guest blog post.  Check it out at: seejenroerun.blogspot.com
 The blog is written by my friend Jen.  If you need a little inspiration in your life, you should really go on over and read it.  She is a working mom struggling to find balance in her life.  She is honest and spirited and makes me both laugh and cry with her posts.   This is just one example of one of my favorite and HONEST posts.  Check it out:

To follow her journey check out the rest of  her blog: FROM FAT TO FINISH LINE

1 comment:

  1. XO thanks for the kind words!! See you in a few days on the left coast!
