I found a horse head at a thrift shop a few months back. I looked at it, picked it up and then put it down. It was dirty, it was old, and it was a little bit creepy looking. "Hip or Horrid?" Might have been the exact text message I sent to Sunshine. I left the head where I found it - bottom shelf under a rack of old pots and a trivial pursuit game from 1994. Sunshine texted back: Hip? (big question mark) and that's when I decided it may not be quite there yet, but I could make it work. For $25 I was the proud owner of a really ugly horse head. But for just $5.00 more I got a can of ivory high gloss spray paint and I made the horse into something kinda cool. A great addition to Sunshine's Midcentury Modern Cowboy Nursery (yes yes yes, I know I have to get those pictures up soon!)
What do you think? Would you have bought it? Would you have done something different?
Love Love Love It !!!! I Would Of Bought It Too !!!!