September 13, 2012

7 days left of summer... Make them count!

So you may or may not have noticed that I've been lax on blog posting this summer.  I'm not apologizing for this, in fact I'm embracing it! It's still summer (at least for 7 more days) and I'm still on summer vacation!

Okay, I will admit, I WAS feeling a little bad/guilty that I had forsaken my blog for days at the beach,  nights out with friends and a little trip abroad (details to come once summer is over and I resume regular blogging) But then, over coffee this morning with a new friend and inspirational  blogger (check his blog out at: Runner12) I realized that summer is the time to try new things, forsake some responsibilities and to just enjoy.

So even thought the kids are back in school, the days are already getting shorter and the stores are stocked up on halloween gear (ugh some even with christmas decor) I'm still in summer mode and until the equinox, I'm going to take full advantage. What are you going to do with your remaining week of summer?!

Summer Fun Original Water Color Print by Water Colors or Else on ETSY

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for featuring my little watercolor ;-)
    I say savor all those warm moments and focus on the activities you enjoy in the summer months.
